Response to Walking In Wisdom #21 on "Social Media Danger" -- "You do a great job of connecting Bible stories and events to our times." - Tennessee, USA, September, 2024
Response to Walking In Wisdom #20 “False Teachers: Distracted By Details “- “I don't print all you send me, but this one I will.” - Ohio, USA, September, 2024
Response to Walking in Wisdom #19 on "Signs of the End?" -- “Good job, brother. Wish I had that outline when I preached on The End Times.” — Tennessee, USA, August, 2024
Response to Walking in Wisdom #18 on "What is the Big Deal about Roe v. Wade?" -- "Well Said!" and "Very Well Done" -- Tennessee, USA, August, 2024
Response to Walking in Wisdom #17 on “The Devastation of Division” — “So good and so true.” - Tennessee, USA, August, 2024
Response to Walking In Wisdom #10 6/25/2024 -- “That was a very good wise and educational article. You do such a god job of covering all the bases. ... I hope other people get as much from your writing as I do.” - Tennessee, USA, June, 2024
Response to WIWisdom #4: “That's a good sermon outline.” ~Tennessee, USA, May, 2024
"Your website is about the best I have seen anywhere. I always like to go to it to find stuff." - Tennessee, USA, August, 2023
"Your article on the New Year hit the nail on the spot." - Tennessee, USA, December, 2022
"I ran across a few minutes ago. Looks great." - USA, October, 2022
Excellent article on Climate Change. -- Tennessee, USA, October, 2022
I’m on the internet a lot and I look at a lot of websites. Your site has great content. -- September, 2022
You keep turning out some good ones. Keep it up. -- Tennessee, USA, July, 2022
Another good one. -- Tennessee, USA for "Corporate Religion", July, 2022
I just found your site It’s got a lot going for it. - July, 2022
Another outstanding article. More people need to read it. -- Tennessee, USA, for "What About Abortion", reissued June, 2022
Thanks for sharing an excellent lesson -- Arkansas, USA, for "What About Abortion", reissued June, 2022
Good article on "Pride Month". -- Kentucky, USA, for QA on "Pride Month", June 12, 2022
Thanks for sending me this bulletin each week. I find the questions/ answers informative and enlightening. This week was appropriate since this is 'Pride' month. (Started with a day, then a week, now a month). Seems like folk do not read the book as once was practiced. -- Tennessee, USA, for QA on "Pride Month", June 12, 2022
Very good article, You just keep delivering. -- Kentucky, USA, for QA on "Economic Uncertainty", June, 2022
Lots of wise words here, Johnny! - Arkansas, USA, for "Words of Wisdom Articles" page, 2021
Very fine job on the answer about eastern religions. Can I translate and publish it in our magazine? - Tennessee, USA, for "QA: Ancient Religions Predate Bible", May, 2021
Great article, Johnny. Could I get a copy of this article by email? - Illinois, USA, for "How Can We Trust the Scriptures?"
Great article, Johnny. - Arkansas, USA, for “How Can We Trust The Scriptures?”
Excellent. It can also get you into a lot of trouble. Shared this one. - Tennessee, USA, for "What Bribery Will Get You", April 2021
Thanks, brother! - Tennessee, USA, for "We Didn't Start the Fire" article, 2021
Good job. - Tennessee, USA, for "QA: What Can Be Done About the Shooting Massacre", April, 2021
Another good one. - Tennessee, USA, for "What is a 'Seder Service'?", April, 2021
Amen, brother! Great stuff! - Tennessee, USA, for "Cancel or Cancer"
Another good one. Thanks! - Tennessee, USA, for "Changing Society", March 2021
Johnny, more wise words! - Tennessee, USA, for "Pay Back or Forward?" March, 2021
More good words, I'm sharing with others. - Tennessee, USA, for "Pay Back or Forward", March 2021
Excellent article! Johnny Polk's article is a good one - Ohio, USA, for "Process of Faith", March, 2021
On November 9, 2020:
- Amen! Thank you fo the thoughts, brother. Very Timely - Tennessee
- Great article Johnny! - Illinois
- Good thoughts to share - Tennessee
Another good one, Johnny, with The Fiery Trial - Tennessee, USA, 11/2020
I have marked your website a "resource". - September, 2020, Tennessee, USA
I like it. - Alabama, USA 2020
Thanks for those thoughts…I’m so glad to know brethren like you whose good material I can share without worries. - Tennessee, USA, for "Why Is There So Much Fear?", January, 2020
It certainly is timeless. Sounds like you wrote it for our times. Excellent! - USA
"You certainly have a LOT of information here. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and articles." - Tennessee, USA
"Great that you pursue the teachings of the Bible." - Kentucky, USA
"Your website was forwarded to me by a friend. It looks quite good, thanks. I'm sure I'll be able to use a lot of your material, it looks really good. God bless your efforts to teach the lost and feed the saints." - Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
"I know God has blessed your website, but with one million unique visits, that also means that you have put in a lot of HARD WORK! CONGRATS!!! - Texas, USA
"God bless this endeavour." - Tennesseee, USA, 2017
"I value the knowledge on your site. Thank you." - October, 2016
"Terrific Web site, Carry on the wonderful job. Thanks a ton!" - January, 2016
"Hey John, this is great! Thanks for coming up with this. I'll be using it in the future. God bless." -January, 2015
"Excellent post! We will be linking to this great post on our site. Keep up the good writing." -January, 2014
“Nice blog here! Also your site loads up very fast! I wish my web site loaded up as fast as yours lol” - January, 2014
“Hey, I like the way this is presented... Very, very good.!!! Thanks brother... keep on keeping on.” - January, 2014
“Great blog! A design like yours with a few simple adjustments really makes the blog jump out. Kudos” - January, 2014
“Good content. I just stumbled upon your blog and actually loved your blog posts. I'll be subscribing to you; I wish you success.” - December, 2013
"Wonderful blog! - Where was “Vatican Smoke”?" December, 2013
"Very good publication, keep on keeping on brothers". - December, 2011
"Thanks for the article--I'm sure the title will bring in the readers, but the message, using "humor", really hits the nail on the head when dealing with some attitudes in the Lord's Church!" - How to Get Drunk… and How to Stop!, October, 2011
"Personally, I have struggled with this particular issue and to date am trying to put together a sermon on this very subject. I want to thank you for some insight into this because I believe that there are many loving Christian's out there who don't know how to approach this properly. ... Any more info on this subject would be helpful and appreciated very much. Thank you for your insight and I pray God continues to bless your congregation." - Jesus Was a Commie? A Reply to the Movie, October, 2011
"Thank, Bro for the thoughts in your article" - Missing Books of the Bible, June 2011
"Thanks for the informative article. may all of us never trust in ourselves, but always humble ourselves before the Lord." - Bible Study Principles, June 2011
"Excellent thoughts. Compliments the thoughts I have produced for this Sunday's lesson (Numbers 22)." - Bible Book Outlines, June 2011
"Yes, praise God that there is "only one Name under Heaven by which one may be saved." (Acts 4:12). It is as the song says, He is "Worthy of Praise." Thanks be to the Father that the Lord Jesus is active today as our great High Priest, ever interceding for us."
"The FACT that Jesus will come again for His Church is the Christian's "hope." ... A belief in the coming of the imminent coming (could happen at anytime) of the Lord should motivate us to greater service for the Lord Jesus!" - May, 2011
"I really appreciate your comments. I hope and pray that the Lord will see in us a willing and obedient spirit, one that will be open to sharing the Gospel with the lost and strengthening the saved. There is "room in the Kingdom" for all us us to use the talents He has given us!" - May, 2011
This is a great and well-needed article. It is a challenge to us "today." Who will step up? Are there many out there who can say with Isaiah, "Here I am O, Lord send me." - May, 2011