
to the website of John T Polk II

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LINKS: Here are some other web sources I hope are also useful:

My 1-minute radio lessons, entitled, “Words of Wisdom,” which are broadcast after the noon news weekdays on WECO Radio. For transcripts of these radio studies, please click here.

My short devotional lessons, entitled "Words of Wisdom", which are published weekly for the Oneida, TN's newspaper online, www.ihoneida.com/words-of-wisdom/.  NEW

Audio lessons from past, well renown preachers of the churches of Christ can be found at Sermons from Preachers of the Past

Bible lesson studies and more resources for home study can be found at         John Hurt

There is a Bible based television program, In Search of the Lord’s Way. They also have an excellent selection of acapella hymns as audio recordings.   

Mark A. Copeland has many Bible lessons in usable formats at: executableoutlines.com 

Keith Sisman, a Christian in the United Kingdom, has written two books worth reading: 

    * Traces of the Kingdom tracks the historical account of the churches of Christ in English  History from 1000 A.D. to the 1800’s,  demonstrating that there have been believers in water immersion for the remission of sins, as preached in Acts 2, meeting throughout the centuries. This documentation needs to be in the hands of serious students and those who need to know Jesus was right about His church: "the gates of Hades" did "not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18). 

     * In The Devils’ Door, Keith Sisman takes a closer look at the descendants of Seth and Noah to explain the when, where, how, and with whom Pagan deities arose. He explores what happened after the Flood that resulted in the Babylonian, Egyptian, Assyrian, Canaanite & other people’s religious beliefs that still resonate with many today. The Devil’s Door of the title illustrates how men still try through the ages to incorporate human beliefs into Christianity.

    * Read more about these studies or get them FREE with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon: Traces of the Kingdom

BOTH of Keith Sisman’s hard back books are available from ChulaVista Books. For ordering Bibles, study books, church supplies, go to ChulaVista Books / mark@marksgreenacresbooks.com.   NEW

Please visit the website of the late Donnie Barnes for more excellent charts on the basics of the Bible, General Bible content and what God's plan for our salvation is.

Some useful epublished Biblical resources are available at: Olive Tree  and Study Light

Our Liverpool, England, UK, brethren maintain a resourceful website at The Scriptures with a focus on Bible study.

Individuals may donate or churches may purchase the services of Church of Christ Disaster Relief Effort.

For preacher education refer to Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies.

Muscle and a Shovel is a book that closely follows how a young man in Nashville, Tennessee found Jesus Christ in His church. His winding journey is lead by one who loved him with the Scriptures.

The Fellowship Room is an on-going epublication of Biblically-oriented articles”edited by J. Randal Matheny.

The Gospel Gleaner

LemmonsAid is an on-going source of Bible class material, puzzles, articles and study guides for all ages and interests, edited by David Lemmons.

Additional publications for guided Bible study can be found at Church of Christ Bible Study     NEW