Debate Charts
I have participated in ten Debates; materials from these are below. My Debate Charts are provided as PowerPoint slides saved as a .PDF file; for eReader instructions click here.
- The Polk - King Debate of 2003 took place in Trenton, TN, and involved Jerry King, a Baptist preacher, on the topic of Once Saved, Always Saved; and Essentiality of Water Baptism
- Polk - King Debate - Notes for Day 1, January 10, 2003 FEATURED
- Polk - King Debate - Notes for Day 2, January 11, 2003
- The Polk - Sungenis Debate of 2005, took place in Florida and involved Robert Sungenis, a reputable Catholic Apologist, on the topic of the Sole Authority of the Scripture. This was recorded and may be available in DVD format from Freed Hardeman University.
- 01- Doctrine and Traditions Unchanged
- 02- Catholic Church Doctrinal Factory Revised
- 03- How Did Paul Teach Acts 17:2-3
- 04- Magisterium Magic
- 05- 2 Corinthians 10 – 12: Measuring Themselves By Themselves
- 06- When Did The Scripture Become Living And Powerful?
- 07- Which Church Fathers Were Right
- 08- Sungenis Fit Magisterium
- Full set of slides click here
- For my debate notes on The Origins of the Papacy click here
- The Polk - Donahue Debate of 2010 took place in Meridian, MS, and involved Patrick T Donahue on the topic of The Bible’s Authority on Social Meals.
- Polk- Donahue Debate – (Eating In the Church Building) January 21, 2010
- For an audio of this debate, please click here
The Polk - Thrasher Debate of 2010 took place in Meridian, MS, and involved Thomas N Thrasher on the topic of Benevolence for Saints and Non Saints.
- Polk- Thrasher Debate (“Benevolence for Saints Only”) January 22, 2010