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Bible and Church History

Daniel's Interpretation Sets the Stage for Church History

My sermon slides Worldly Kingdoms outline how global historical empires led to the founding of the Christian empire, which lasts through today.

Traces of the Kingdom & The Devils’ Door

Keith Sisman, a Christian in the United Kingdom, has written two books worth reading: 

* Traces of the Kingdom tracks the historical account of the churches of Christ in English History from 1000 A.D. to the 1800’s,  demonstrating that there have been believers in water immersion for the remission of sins, as preached in Acts 2, meeting throughout the centuries. This documentation needs to be in the hands of serious students and those who need to know Jesus was right about His church: "the gates of Hades" did "not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18). 

NEW In The Devils’ Door, Keith Sisman takes a closer look at the descendants of Seth and Noah to explain the when, where, how, and with whom Pagan deities arose. He explores what happened after the Flood that resulted in the Babylonian, Egyptian, Assyrian, Canaanite & other people’s religious beliefs that still resonate with many today. The Devil’s Door of the title illustrates how men still try through the ages to incorporate human beliefs into Christianity.

* Read more about these studies in eBook form on Kindle - for Free with Kindle Unlimited: Traces of the Kingdom

BOTH of Keith Sisman’s books are available from ChulaVista Books. For ordering Bibles, study books, church supplies, go to ChulaVista Books.


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Church History from 1804

Elias Smith, A Discourse Delivered at Hopkinton, N.H., Thursday September 5, 1804 at a Meeting of a Christian Conference, p. 41.


“There are now three churches in New-England, who have laid all party names aside for that in the new testament, and consider the new testament their only rule. One of these is in Portsmouth, N.H. it consists of 175 members. They call themselves Christians; they have no connection with other churches, only through fellowship of the Spirit. Their terms of communion with all Christians are three. First. That the person gives an evidence that he is born again. Second. That he has been buried in baptism after believing. Third. That he lives a new life. Those who have these three evidences, are not asked whether they are Calvinists, Arminians, or Freewillers. They are considered brethren, and kindly received. One of these churches is in Boston, Mass. This contains over 50 members. They are much persecuted, particularly by the Baptists. The other church is at Nantasket, and consists of about 15 members. There is a remarkable harmony prevailing in these three churches. They have so much in the new testament to agree in, that to this day, they have not had any time to dispute about unscriptural things. I pray God they may ever remain so, till they are called away to the mansions above.


This evening light will be compleat when the name of Roman Catholic, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Baptist, Methodist, Quaker, Universalist, Calvinist, Arminian, &c. are laid aside; when creeds, covenants, articles, councils, synods, associations, missionary societies, and every thing unscriptural is done away.”